Registration now open for The Great Salamander Search

Registration now open for The Great Salamander Search

Join us for a nighttime search for breeding salamanders along the icy edges of Twayblade Pond at Salamander Forest.
The next week is going to be quite cold (-9 on Sunday March 27). This is not conducive to salamander viewing. So, the event will not take place this Sunday….we’ll have to wait for Nature to tell us when the time is right!

Reserve your place for this exciting adventure!  Register at:  [email protected]

This event is FREE to MMLT members in good standing.  Not a Member yet?  Become a Member of MMLT today!

Once registered, you’ll be asked to keep your boots and headlamp by the door – we’ll contact you with 24 hours notice that the search is on.

NOTE: there is a 20 minute hike into the pond so please be prepared and dress for the weather.







