Website Policy

The Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust makes no effort to identify visitors to its website. In addition no identifying data is disclosed to any third party for any purpose. The data that is collected is used only for server administration and web content research. This statement applies to all interactions with the MMLT servers.

This does not apply to e-mail sent to MMLT contacts, staff or lists. E-mail interactions are guided by general net-etiquette conventions. E-mail interactions are authenticated. Consequently we have the capability to identify respondents. All reasonable efforts will be made not to disclose your e-mail address to any third party for any purpose. By registering your email address, you are granting us permission to be added to our MMLT mailing list and your identity is relayed to the MMLT e-mail list convenor but only for the purpose of disseminating information regarding the services and programs of the MMLT.

There are links on the MMLT website that take you to other websites outside of our service. Any links provided to third party websites outside of are provided solely for your convenience. MMLT is not responsible for any content of any linked website or any changes or updates to such websites. The inclusion of the link does not mean that the MMLT endorses that website.

Please be aware that the MMLT is not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites that we link to. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each and every website that requests personal information from you.
