Support Us

YOU are Key to Our Success!

Donors, Members, and Partners play a direct role in making our work possible. Please read our Impact Report which details the impact of our work on the land, on wildlife, and on people. We encourage your support to grow our organization, thereby increasing our capacity to conserve and steward land, and facilitate human engagement with nature. There are several ways you can show your support and every contribution helps us to achieve our goals.


You can show your support by donating today, either through a one-time donation or by monthly giving. …

Become a Member

MMLT members support the conservation values of the land trust. Benefits of Membership include regular updates …

Land and Legacy Giving

As a donor of land, you become a partner in protecting nature for the long term. MMLT is a qualified recipient agency under the …

Community Partners

These are business and organizations that sponsor an MMLT special event or host an event of their own. If you …

Funding Partners

Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust is grateful for grants provided for projects from the following organizations …

Conservation Partners

These are organizations that support MMLT on a variety of projects and initiatives, working together …

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Give the Gift of Time

Volunteers are critical to the success of the MMLT. Find out how you can get involved today!
