Land & Legacy Giving

We encourage you to read our Impact Report for details of how your land donation or legacy gift will help grow our organization, thereby increasing our capacity to conserve and steward land, and facilitate human engagement with nature.

Donation of Land

As a donor of land, you become a partner in protecting nature for the long term. MMLT is a qualified recipient agency under the federal Ecological Gifts Program. That means you will be provided the best tax treatment for your donation and assured that your lands will be safeguarded forever.

Land must meet the Assessment Criteria.

Land that does not meet the ecological criteria can be donated to the MMLT to be sold and the proceeds used towards the purchase or maintenance of land trust properties. The donor will receive a tax receipt for the appraised value of the property.

Please contact the MMLT office at 613-253-2722 if you are interested in donating land.


Legacy Giving

Whether you can give a living legacy or remember MMLT in your will, you will help build a solid conservation future for your family and community. These planned gifts offer many tax advantages as well.

  • Living Legacy Gift:
    • Gift to MMLT’s Sustainability Fund
    • Gift of Securities
    • Charitable Gift Annuities
    • Gift of Proceeds from RRSPs and RRIFs
  • Legacy Gift:
    • Bequest of cash or property in will
    • Gift of Life Insurance
    • Gift of Charitable Remainder Trusts and Gifts of Residual Interest

If any of these options interest you, please contact the MMLT office at 613-253-2722 to learn more. You will also need to consult with your lawyer or financial advisor before making a gift of this nature.


Revenue Canada Charitable Business #87859 1007 RR0001
