Carp Hills Opportunity Fund

For those who want to contribute to land preservation in the Carp Hills, you can make a donation in cash or securities to the Carp Hills Opportunity Fund (CHOF).   This is a charitable fund separately administered for MMLT by the Community Foundation of Ottawa.  The fund is used for any costs directly linked to the acquisition or donation of land or to the establishment of conservation easements in the Carp Hills.

To make a donation to this fund, you have a number of options:

  1.  To donate by cheque, download, save, and complete the CHOF Donation Form and send your cheque to the address on the form.
  2. To donate by Direct Debit or by Credit Card, click on the Donate button below. Please indicate in the space provided that your donation should be made to the Carp Hills Opportunity Fund.
  3. For credit card donations, you can also go directly to the Community Foundation of Ottawa fund selection page.  Go to Option 2 and use the drop down menu to select the Carp Hills Opportunity Fund.  Fill in the on-line form to make your donation.
  4. Please contact us by phone: 613-253-2722 or email: [email protected] to discuss these options:
  • If you’d like to donate securities, the process can be easily arranged between our transfer agent and your broker.
  • Planned Giving – You can remember us in your will, thus helping us build a solid financial base for the future.  Please click on the link for more information about bequests and other forms of Planned Giving.
  • A landowner can offer “Trader Land”, which can be donated to the MMLT and then sold to provide funds for Carp Hills’ properties.

Carp Hills Land Donations

The MMLT offers landowners of ecologically sensitive property in the Carp Hills a number of options for protecting their land forever, which can also provide tax benefits. Information about property eligibility and the options available can be found by clicking on the brochure.

There are two main options:

  1. Conservation Easement – This is a legal document that places landowner-agreed restrictions on title that bind all future owners in perpetuity.   The landowner can continue to live on and/or enjoy the land, and can sell it or bequeath it as with any other owned land. The MMLT is required to monitor the use of the land to ensure that the restrictions are followed by current and future owners.
  1.  Land Donation – The landowner donates or bequeaths the property to the MMLT . following agreement with MMLT on how the land must be managed. As owner, the MMLT is responsible for all costs associated with the land.

If the land is accepted as ecologically significant under Environment Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program, the landowner will receive a tax receipt for the value of the donation and be eligible for elimination of capital gains tax.

The land conservation process can be complex and there are costs associated with the appraisal and legal paperwork. Landowners should contact the MMLT to discuss the specifics of their situation. By phone: 613-253-2722. By email: [email protected].

About the Carp Hills

The MMLT is working in partnership with the Friends of the Carp Hills to preserve the Carp Hills, which is one of the largest ecologically sensitive areas within the MMLT catchment area.  Because of the ecological significance of the Carp Hills, this roughly 3900 hectare (9600 acre) region has been designated a candidate Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) by the provincial government and sustains hundreds of hectares of Provincially Significant Wetlands.

For information about the launch of the MMLT preservation initiative, please read our news release:  Preserving the Carp Hills.

For other information about the Carp Hills, please see the Friends of the Carp Hills.