MMLT Photo Contest #4

MMLT Photo Contest #4

Below is the winning photo from our “Waters Wonders” contest. Jean Clifford captured this shot of Sienna Pond at cliffLAND around 2013. Nature always finds a way to impress!


Submission Period: July 1 to July 31

Theme: “Water Wonders”

Show us the wonders of water with a photo that highlights the significance of water bodies in our region, such as lakes, rivers, or wetlands. Showcase water’s serenity, recreational value, or ecological importance.

This contest is open to everyone. Please see below for specific guidelines and points of incentive.



  1. Email entry to [email protected] anytime between July 1st to July 31st.
  2. Can include up to 3 photos in one entry.
  3. Photos must be high resolution.
  4. Photos must be at a MMLT property or another natural area in the Mississippi-Madawaska region
  5. Photos must have an accompanying short caption including approximate date, location, how it relates to the theme, etc.
  6. Know that submitting your photos to the MMLT photo contest is also giving MMLT permission to share the photos in our newsletter and on social media (with due credit of course).
  7. We encourage all-natural photos, without human subject matter. If a photo contains an individual, you must have photo consent from them. MMLT will assume they have provided their consent for the photo to be publicly shared. 
  8. Don’t let the fact that you may not have a fancy camera deter you from participating! Great photos can be taken on smartphones and basic digital cameras. 
  9. Be safe! Don’t get too close to wildlife, go off trail, or put yourself in any form of danger to take a photo.  



  1. Winner’s photo will be featured in MMLT’s newsletter and in a social media post. Runner up photos may also be featured. 
  2. If participant’s photo is taken at an MMLT property and if it is high enough resolution, it may be included in a MMLT 2024 calendar, box set of cards, or another form of MMLT product.
  3. Participant’s name will placed in a pool to win one of the aforementioned products at the end of the year. Note that an individual’s name can be entered more than once should they wish to participate in more than one MMLT photo contest throughout the year. 
  4. An opportunity to get outdoors to experience, capture, and share the beauty of nature. 


How winners will be chosen:

Photos will be judged by a qualified, external judge. Considerations include: adherence to theme, general photo clarity, composition fundamentals, eye-catching/interesting/unique, captures beauty of nature, etc. 


If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected] or by calling 613-253-2722. 




