What better way to explore your own creativity than in the natural beauty of the 200-acre High Lonesome Nature Reserve, a property conserved in perpetuity by the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust (MMLT).
In early May, MMLT held its first ever Creativity Blitz at this oasis of tranquility in the Pakenham Hills.
Participants were provided with various props and raw materials to make art with nature. Some examples included:
- arranging natural materials and objects found on the ground to make a creative piece;
- bringing their own art supplies, a musical instrument, a poetry book, or a journal;
- coming with nothing but a willingness to open their eyes, ears and senses.
Three special “WOW” spots were selected as focal points, but some people just found their own special spot that spoke to their soul.
An Accordion Poem was created where anyone could volunteer to write the next stanza, unable to see what was written before. Read the Accordion Poem.
A Soundscapes station was set up by West Pond and everyone had an opportunity to listen to the sounds of nature through highly sensitive bioacoustic monitoring equipment. The frog chorus at West Pond was outstanding! MMLT received funding from the TD Friends of the Environment this year to begin monitoring wildlife on its protected properties using this amazing equipment.
Here are some of the works of art created that day.