
Members play a direct role in making our work possible.  Your annual membership fees support basic operational costs without which none of our other work would be possible.  

Benefits of Membership

  • Regular updates on all our projects and upcoming events,
  • Monthly e-news,
  • Complimentary admission to our Annual General Meeting presentation.
  • Reduced admission fees for Discover the Wild Series events.
  • Membership also entitles you to elect directors each year at our AGM and to participate in other important decisions of the organization.

Annual membership renew on January 1st of each year and are not eligible for a charitable tax receipt.  Tax receipts are issued for donations.

Membership Types:

  • Single $25
  • Family $40 (2 adults + dependent children under 18)

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Pay by Cheque

Become a member or Renew your annual membership by cheque -Download a Membership Form and mail it with your cheque payable to Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust (or MMLT) to:

10970 Hwy 7, Carleton Place, ON  K7C 3P1

Revenue Canada charitable number is 87859 1007 RR0001.