Endowment Funds

Sustainability Fund

Pruning-TrailAs an organization MMLT must be sustainable for the 999 year time frame of its obligations to protect the ecologically important properties under its stewardship.  The Sustainability Fund is a permanent endowment set up to provide long term financial security to the land trust.  The fund is administered for MMLT by the Community Foundation of Ottawa.  It provides an annual disbursement used to ensure the operational stability of the mission, programs, staffing, and ongoing operations of the land trust.  When you donate to the Sustainability Fund, you are investing in the future of the organization.

Land Acquisition Fund

Old Guardian of the Forest - an ancient tree at the Keddy Nature Sanctuary

The Land Acquisition Fund has been established to ensure the availability of funds to meet unexpected opportunities for the acquisition of ecologically significant properties or establishment of conservation easements.  This endowment fund is administered on behalf of MMLT by the Community Foundation of Ottawa.

To make a donation to this fund, you have a number of options:

  1. To donate by cheque, please download, save, and complete the Endowment Donation Form and send your cheque to the address on the form.
  2. For credit card donations, please go to the Community Foundation of Ottawa fund selection page.  Go to Option 2 and use the drop down menu to select either the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Sustainability Fund or the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Land Acquisition Fund.  Fill in the on-line form to make your donation.
  3. Please contact us by phone: 613-253-2722 or email: [email protected] to discuss these options:
  • If you’d like to donate securities, the process can be easily arranged between our transfer agent and your broker.
  • Planned Giving – You can remember us in your will, thus helping us build a solid financial base for the future.  Please click on the link for more information about bequests and other forms of Planned Giving.
  • A landowner can offer “Trader Land”, which can be donated to the MMLT and then sold to provide funds for either of these endowment funds.